Embrace your courage, bravery, and worthiness as you navigate your way through this career changing journey. In this episode of the Mindful Life Change Podcast (previously known as the Mindful Career Change), host Valerie Mekki, a career change counselor, focuses…
1. How To Make Your Affirmations More Effective By Making Them S.T.I.C.K.Y
Before we dive into our weekly positive affirmations for your career changing journey, you want to make sure affirmations stick with you by memorizing them, saying them out loud and even visualizing them into action. In this first episode of…
2. How To Do A Mindful Body Scan Before Practicing Affirmations
A mindfulness body scan before an affirmation practice can cultivate a sense of calm, presence, and self-awareness to support your pursuit of a meaningful career change. In this episode of The Mindful Career Change Podcast (previously known as the Mindful…
Trailer: Mindful Life Changes
Join host Valerie Mekki on 'Mindful Life Changes,' (formerly known as ‘The Mindful Career Change’) a podcast that takes a deep dive into the heart of life's transitions for those 40 and over. From embracing an empty nest and caring…
27 Small Business Ideas Especially Created for Women By Women
In this article, I share 27 small business ideas that are uniquely created for women and by women. Plus, how to choose the right business type that makes the most sense for you. You’ve had that thought, “Why hasn’t anyone come…
Business Funding For Women: 5 Ways to Raise Money For Your Small Business Today
I share the five types of funding for women business owners and companies, plus an easy-to-use online directory to help entrepreneurs find resources to capital. You’ve heard of this saying, ”It takes money to make money.” And as much as…
The Great Resignation and a Career Change at 40
I didn’t just quit a job, but I quit my career and made a complete career change at 40. This post will share the exact steps I took to make a successful career pivot. After being laid off at the height…